Cosmic Abandonment – Genetic Engineering and the Human Condition

Cosmic Abandonment – Genetic Engineering and the Human Condition

Drawing from the ideas of Sitchin, Pye, and others, in this presentation Mark Passio talks about the compelling idea that the human condition is the direct result of a genetic engineering program, hundreds of thousands of years ago by people from another planet, which produced the human species. It may be considered out of bounds to assume that humans are in fact genetically engineered alien primate hybrids. But my own opinion is that there is a significant amount of evidence to support this idea. The ramifications of this idea are broad, in terms of civilization as we know it.

In this presentation Mark Passio talks about how the systems and institutions of this civilization, rather than being the product of real logic or real knowledge, are actually the result of a situation where in the distant past “the gods” were people from another planet. He explores the psychological condition of a human race that allows for systems that perpetuate slavery, a psychological condition born of unacknowledged trauma in the distant past, as well as ignorance of the truth of the origins of humans, and of Natural Law.