When it comes to flood myths the one most familiar to people is the one from the book of Genesis with Noah as the main character. In that story Noah […]
Author: Brefney Charlton
Ramifications of Being a Genetically Engineered Alien Primate Hybrid Species
Let’s suppose that the conclusions of Lloyd Pye are correct, that Zecheriah Sitchin’s interpretations of the Sumerian tablets are largely correct, and that the human species is a genetically engineered […]
Ancient Technology – Generating Energy with Sound – Michael Tellinger
Talk by Michael Tellinger about physical evidence in Africa that supports Sitchin’s interpretations of the Sumerian tablets as well as the idea of ancient technology and advanced civilizations existing on […]
Karnak Brien Foerster at Karnak, Egypt, pointing out the evidence of the use of machines in some of the stone ruins and buildings there, as well as evidence of […]
More Starchild Skulls Found In Peru
Here is a recent video by Brien Foerster showing two skulls, found in Peru, that look very different from your typical human skull. What is pretty amazing about the existence […]
Alien Agendas On Earth – Linda Moulton Howe
In this recent interview Linda Moulton Howe gives her take on the bigger picture possibilities when it comes to what has been going on on this planet for possibly millions […]
Are Pyramids Ancient Technology ?
As far as pyramids go the Egyptian ones are the best known and the ones with which most people are familiar, I think it’s safe to say. What is becoming […]
Bigfoot – DNA Evidence
The Sasquatch Genome Project has been an exciting turn of events in terms of Bigfoot research. Through extensive research and collection of evidence Texas veterinarian Dr. Melba Ketchum and her […]
The character of Enoch is apparently the great grandfather of Noah according to scripture. The book of Enoch as it exists today likely comes down to us in a form […]
Elongated Skulls of Mother and Baby in Bolivia
Brien Foerster and a radiologist look at the elongated skulls, likely of a mother and her baby, that are currently housed at a small museum in Bolivia.